Terms and conditions of hiring as an employee with a disability
What criteria must I meet to work at Polyval? ?
- Be between 18 and 65 years of age (64 years for the women)
- Benefit from a disability pension, applying for a disability pension or in great social difficulties (e.g. handicap, but not recognized by disability pension)
- Demonstrate the autonomy required, be able to work at a minimum of 50% in industrial subcontracting activities
- Be adaptable to the working environment (compliance with regulations, etc.)
- Have a stable health problem, be non-addictive (alcohol, drugs)
How should I proceed if I am interested in having an activity in a Polyval workshop?
Usually the candidate contacts Polyval and organizes a visit with the integration department. At the end of the visit, he registers using the registration form and is contacted as soon as a place is available.
De quel type de contrat s’agit-il ?
An open-ended contract. There is a trial period of 3 months.
During these three months, the first month serves as observation and is used to define the salary that will be written on the contract. The written contract is formally established after 1 month.
Is it possible to do an internship ?
For candidates who would be afraid to get involved in an activity or would like to see if they like the setting, it is possible to do an internship of 1 to 2 weeks.
However, the latter is not remunerated. In general, Polyval favours the beginning of the activity knowing that the trial period allows to define if the activity pleases or not.
If I don't like the area I've chosen, can I change?
It is always possible to make a request to change workshops. Polyval will consider depending on the space available in the other workshops.
How is it going in the workshops ?
Supervision is provided by workshop instructors and the integration department. It is the supervisory staff who manage the organisation of work and day-to-day work situations. The managerial staff are supported by the Integration Department.
What happens when you reach retirement age?
As a rule, the employee's employment ends at the legal retirement age. If the employee nevertheless wishes to continue working, he or she may submit a request to the management. This extension is always limited in time and does not exempt you from applying for retirement from the AHV fund.
At least 3 months before reaching retirement age, the AI employee must apply for an AHV pension using the form available below:
>>> Apply for an AHV pension
What will I be able to do when I stop working at Polyval, having reached retirement age?
There are associations offering activities for people of AVS age, courses, group meals. These activities are not only reserved for people with disabilities but can offer interesting things, according to a defined catalogue.
Some internet links:
I have a financial or administrative problem that Polyval cannot answer, where can I go?
Proinfirmis à Lausanne
Social Services of the commune of the residence
IThere is a meeting to be organised but the employee is hard of hearing, I have communication difficulties, what can I do?
If communication requires an interpreter, Polyval can contact Procom -> request via online form.
An interpreter travels to translate and Procom invoices Polyval for the service. Swiss Federation of the Deaf, Service Romand Itinérant en Surdité (French-speaking itinerant service for the deaf).
Educators travel to provide punctual support for young people between 18 and 30 years old.
Fédération Suisse des Sourds
Avenue de Provence 16
1007 Lausanne
I live in another canton, can I work at Polyval?
One of the conditions required to exercise an activity at Polyval is to be domiciled in the canton of Vaud. However, a candidate domiciled in another canton may still apply. A request for a guarantee for the payment of subsidies from the canton of residence must be made BEFORE the start of the activity.